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Family Feud 2024 Poll

Calling all SV guildies! Do you have strong feelings about what the best peanut butter snack is? Or where our fearless leader should take us all on vacation if she ever won the lottery? Then have we got the poll

What new fire lord?

Grats to the H Word team for taking down Smolderon and Tindral! Great job on learning the new placements and learning on the 'fly'.

**Rescheduled** SV Winter Carnival

Apologies, friends! Due to a scheduling conflict, I need to delay the Winter Carnival one week. The new date is Saturday, January 27th at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern.

Tindral Snuffed Out!

We got our first kill of Tindral Sageswift tonight! Great work from everyone in learning this new fight. Congratulations to everyone who got loot tonight!