**Rescheduled** SV Winter Carnival

Apologies, friends! Due to a scheduling conflict, I need to delay the Winter Carnival one week. The new date is Saturday, January 27th at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern.

I'm really sorry if folks were planning to come this week, but can't make it next week instead. I hope we'll still see many of you on Jan 27th for some sledding fun!

In the meantime, don't forget to submit a screenshot of your favorite WoW winter activity over here: https://forum.sempervigilans.net/t/winter-activity-screenshot-contest/4835! I can't wait to see what fun things everyone has found to do in game. :)

-It's time to put on your mittens and dust off your sleds! Join us on Saturday, January 20th at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern, to enjoy some time on the snowy slopes of Azeroth for a bit of winter fun.

We'll have sledding races, a transmog competition, and hang out in discord together. To stop anyone from getting frostbite, we'll only hang out in the cold for about an hour.

If you need any help unlocking the Tuskarr's Magical Snow Sled, let us know! We're happy to help folks figure out how to get to renown 26 to pick it up. We'll also have an alternate option for participating in the sledding races, if you'd prefer to cheer folks on instead.

We hope to see you all there!